Glencliff High School


We are so happy you stopped by our site to learn more about restorative justice practices in schools and what we are working on as a team at Glencliff.
RP emphasizes:
Forming stronger communities
Focusing on doing the right thing because of relationships and people
Helping individuals understand the consequences of actions, good and bad
Helping people solve problems
What is restorative practice?
Restorative Practice is a paradigm shift in school culture from one that is punitive to one that is restorative.
RP provides a framework to build classroom communities where people can work together to solve problems through authentic dialogue, coming to an understanding, and making things right.
“We are a united group trying to let everyone's opinions and perspectives come to light. Making a change in our community and school. In order to spread the knowledge of what RP is.”
The Peace Team was started this school year by Laura Fittz, an ELA teacher and M.Ed. student at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education. It is comprised of 22 student leaders who are helping design and implement RP at Glencliff.
Research & Training: As a group we...
Discovered their personality types, conflict styles, and planned ways to work as a team
Learned about school-to-prison pipeline social implications of exclusion vs. restorative practices, and zero-tolerance policies
Informally trained in IIRP Training Day 1 (Intro to Restorative Practices), Day 2 (Using Circles Effectively), and Day 3 (Formal Conferencing).
Read “The New Jim Crow and Restorative Justice,” by Jim Wallis, and “School, Prisons, and the Social Implications of Punishment: Rethinking Disciplinary Practices,” by Pedro A. Noguera
Starting in October, implemented Community Circles during their class period. These circles help build strong class communities where people can engage in authentic dialogue to work together, build community, and solve problems.