Glencliff High School

YPAR Framework within the Peace Team:
Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) “provides young people with opportunities to study social problems affecting their lives and then determine actions to rectify these problems.” (Cammarota & Fine, 2008, p.2) In YPAR, students learn how to study problems and find solutions to issues they are interested in and that directly impact them (Cammarota & Fine, 2008, p.6). Through the YPAR and restorative practices framework, The Peace Team is currently:
Leading inquiries, facilitated by Ms. Fittz
Planning & Leading own Community circles
Students created committees relevant to interests: Community Art Committee, PT Bonding Committee, PT T-Shirt Committee, Community Circle Committee, and Food Committee
Mediating Conflicts
Helping students & teachers solve problems
Working with a Peabody research team to have a circle with Administration
Modeling circles at other MNPS schools